The Antidote Is Next To The Poison

The name of today’s abstract Illustration is “We Strive To Be Fantastical Creatures But Sometimes We Are Just Ugly”.

In nature we find the antidote to a poisonous plant usually grows right next to it. I find the same can be found when we are out around people. I had to finish some Christmas shopping at Barnes and Noble today. I had been in the store yesterday and put some items on hold in the customer service department. I approached the desk and asked the old frizzy haired woman behind the counter for my books. The minute she opened her mouth I regretted my retail decision. She told me that books do not go on hold in service. I explained that I was told to have them put it on hold in service by the workers last night. She said to me that they must have been put back out because I took too long or they were up front behind the registers. I asked if she could check to see if they were there so I do not go through the long line for nothing. She replied “Jesus Christ!” huffed and went to get them. She returned with two and I sheepishly said their were three. With a “Godammit” she retrieved the other one. She shoved them into my gut and walked away. That was the poison the antidote was the incredibly nice woman at the front counter. She asked how everything went and I told her my plight. She told me she understood and I was in a safe space now. It was very millennial but also very sweet to say. So as in nature the cure to the poison was very close by to it.


Piercing Through Time To Create Space


Some Days I Am Harold Lloyd