Monday Metamorphosis

The name of tonight’s abstract illustration is “Feeling Yourself Change Into Something New”.

I have to say as far as Mondays go this one was pretty productive. I was able to do some chores around the studio I had been meaning to get to and I even had a chance to delve deep into the recesses of my soul and pull out a new direction of change. It’s weird but sometimes change flows in your direction whether you want it or not. It is nothing overtly big just something coming from inside that is going to lead me in some exciting directions. I think over the coming weeks the change will permeate it’s way into my art. I am getting the feeling that the things that take me away from my creativity need to go away. I have a large bag of skills that many people like to pull from. I think it is time for me to pull out art and throw the rest away.


Tuesdays Can Be Tricky


Allowing Myself A Break