Buckle Up Here We Go
The name of today’s abstract illustration is “The Moments The Pain Arrives”.
The last day of the year has arrived. This has been a fast and interesting year. There were many downs and some nice ups.The year did a bit of a sneak attack towards it’s close but we made it through. I cannot even say Christmas was a low key day because some of it was crazy. I have had some medical scares and I am rounding the year out in pain but with meditation, training, art, and people that care I am ending 2024 feeling optimistic. I decided in October around my birthday that instead of just posting my abstract illustrations I would start a blog so people can see where my busy brain was at the time of creation. I have very lofty artistic goals for 2025 and I know I can achieve them. Well I guess if I achieve a third of them I will being doing ok.